Monday, January 4, 2010

Poppy and nine grandkids

Maria, cool as a cucumber, you wouldn't believe the mess to her left...Rebecca looking traumatized, Rachel desperately protecting her precious Sindy doll, Jolene with Melissa on her knee, both of them more interested in the babies, Poppy the grandparental champion looks frazzled but in control, holding the twins (Fleur on the left, Matthew on the right) while clamping Christopher (he was most definitely to be called) between his knees AND fists! Chris must be about 18 months here, and no doubt running form here to there like a lunatic in that precious toddler way...and Peter, keeping well clear of the chaos.

Remind me to never take a second or third shot of the 'cousin' photo - this mess is far more interesting!

This is taken in the dining room, you can tell by the sofa and carpet, though thankfully THOSE curtains are long gone.

Maria and Melissa's outfits, and Jo's top, would grace a Pumpkin Patch/Urban Angel catalog but if you saw someone in Pete's getup, you'd quickly walk the other way! Ah, fashion...